Monday, August 29, 2005

Well I got a challenge the other day from a co-worker. Apparently my athletic ability was challenged. I'm a bit of a geek and if you know geeks we don't play sports that much. I do play a little tennis and am trying to pick up golf.

After statements were made about how I don't play sports I stated I can bowl a little. So the challenge was made and off to Jillian's we went to bowl. It was sort of a late night at work so I asked another co-worker if he wanted to come along. He stated he needed to get his Bowling Balls and Shoes. Uh... Oh... Well it will be a fight for second :)

Long story short I won all three games we played. Even though I know I'm not the best I can beat any amateur claiming that he is so athletic he can play ANY sport :).

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Watch free HDTV with an outdoor antenna - CNET Weekend Project - CNET reviews

It seems CNET has made a nice video tutorial aobut how to find the right antenna and installing it for HDTV. This is just in time for the proposed analog TV cut off date of December 31, 2006.

Monday, July 25, 2005 - NBC exec vows season of rebuilding - Jul 25, 2005

Now this is interesting. NBC has finally wised up and figured out viewers don't like the practice of starting and ending programs off the hour. This causes PVR's to see these shows as conflicting with other shows that start on the hour. This makes the user have to make a decision on what show they want to watch and I guess NBC has been getting the shaft. I guess last place is a place where you realize you can't be cocky anymore!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Well I'm another year older today. Too bad I'm not too into Birthdays and all. It's just another day added to the other 10,226 days in my life. I hope to have at least another 17,532 more!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

So Mielke got a new TV and I had to check it out. Here is a grainy photo from my crappy camera on my cameraphone after I helped him set it up!

Here is my Beyond TV Setup at home. Posted by Picasa